
Death Battle: RoboCop vs. Fulgore

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RoboCop vs Fulgore by Refolo

Alright, the combatants are set, lets end this debate once and for all! 
Its time for a... 
Detroit, Delta City 
All was quiet in Delta City. Traffic was moving along nicely, civilians were walking across the street... 
It was actually a good day in Detroit of all places! But then a sound. 
The sound of something slicing right through someone's flesh. There, a six-foot tall robot with a ponytail and blue, plasma claws has just removed its blade from a man's chest. Fulgore had arrived. 
Civilians fled in terror at the very sight of the machine but as they ran, the product of UltraTech took off its own head... and a giant turret popped out! It began firing, mowing down civilians in seconds. The blood of the innocents was raining down from the sky. Fulgore was unstoppable. 
Suddenly, the sound of a siren was heard. A police car pulled up in the center of town and the car door opened. What stepped out? A machine with a metal helmet of sorts, metal armor... and strangely, a human mouth. RoboCop had arrived. 
His left leg opened up and he reached down, grabbing his Auto-9 Machine Pistol. Murphy twirled it three times just for style and then pointed it at Fulgore. "Your coming with me... dead or alive." 
Fulgore sensed a challenged and in response got into a martial arts position, facing his new opponent. That two stared each other down for a good minute, waiting for the other to move... 
And then they were ready. 

Fulgore's claw twirled and then he lunged forward. Before Murphy could even pull the trigger... 
The Fulgore unit was upon him. The robot lifted its foot, slamming it into RoboCop's chest, twirled three times, slammed its plasma claws into Murphy and ended it with an uppercut, sending the Detroit defender soaring. 
RoboCop hit the ground with a thud but instantly got up. He pointed his trusty pistol at the bastard and fired three shots at him. Sadly, this did little to stop Fulgore and he continued his approach. Thats when Murphy aimed for its leg... 
And actually caused the robot to fall to its knees! Swiftly, RoboCop lifted his foot, kicking Fulgore directly in the chest. There was now a notable amount of distance between the two and RoboCop took complete advantage of this. He fired five shots the murderous machine, causing it to flinch slightly. But Fulgore wasn't finished, far from it. Suddenly, in a wave of electricity, Fulgore teleported behind the cyborg defender. He slashed dowward-! 
Only for RoboCop to grab Fulgore's falling arm and kick him back! The UltraTech combatant staggered back but teleported once more. RoboCop turned around- 
Fulgore wasn't there. Murphy looked all around him. The Fulgore Unit was hiding... 
But then he heard something. The sound of something charging... 

Looking behind a dumpster, RoboCop spotted his metal menace! Fulgore's chest was opened... and inside, an orb of orange-energy was glowing. Even standing away, Detroit's hero could feel the massive amounts of energy coming from Fulgore's chest. Murphy dropped down, hiding behind the dumpster to get ready. Suddenly, Murphy pulled off his own hand... and pulled out a gun of sorts and attached it to the area where his hand used to be.
Fulgore's chest closed and it turned to see Murphy. With his weapon arm. Pointed right at his face. Flames shot out of the cannon, burning Fulgore. The mind of Black Eagle flailed, trying to escape the flames. In the middle of this, however, Fulgore lifted his foot and slammed it into RoboCop's chest... only to fall to its knees. RoboCop too fell from the force of Fulgore's foot. Both combatants were on their knees... 
But neither were finished. Far from it. Both of their knees ached... 
But both stood up. They both stared each other down... 
But Murphy turned around, grabbed onto the dumpster and threw it at Fulgore! Despite feeling no emotions, Fulgore couldn't help but feel a sense of shock as the entire dumpster ran it over. On its back, the Fulgore Unit slowly got up... 
And saw Murphy running away! Quickly, Fulgore fired three blasts of plasma energy, all chasing Murphy. Swiftly, RoboCop not only noticed these but dodged them with a roll to the side. 
Then, Fulgore raised its arms once more and... vanished? Coming out from the corner, Murphy noticed the missing robot. He slowly walked through the alleyway... 
When suddenly, he turned to the sound of footsteps. He looked down... and saw a puddle of water. It had a ripple in it. Swiftly, RoboCop's weapon arm began rapidly firing off bullets! Suddenly, Fulgore re-appeared as its cloaking device vanished, revealing the robot of UltraTech. Fulgore just barely managed to teleport away. 
Murphy looked all around once more. Then he looked up. Fulgore was standing up and on top of a building. It began firing off plasma blasts at RoboCop whom responded with quick dodges. RoboCop ducked for cover as he hid behind a building. 
Fulgore waited. 
And waited. 
And waited. 
And waited. 
It may have had no emotions but Fulgore couldn't help but tap its foot and cross its arms while it waited impatiently. While it waited, its chest opened up once more, building up energy again.

The sound of a jet roaring caused Fulgore to stop charging as the machine turned its head to view RoboCop... flying?! He was wearing a flightpack on his back. "Good news. You are no longer under arrest. Bad news. You are coming with me... dead." RoboCop pulled out the Cobra Assault Cannon, pointed it at Fulgore... 
And the second it hit the bullet hit Fulgore, it knocked it eight feet back! Fulgore got up... turned around and ran for it! RoboCop, however, was persistent. He chases the machine as it leapt from building to building. However, it soon became apparent that Murphy was far faster with the flightpack on. He flew right in front of Fulgore, blasting it with another shot from the CAC. If it weren't for its teleport, Fulgore would have been a goner. 
Realizing the difference in speed, Fulgore switched up strategies. Pulling of its head, a turret appeared in the place where Fulgore's head would have been... 
And began firing a stream of bullets at RoboCop! They all hit RoboCop. In the chest. The Defender of Detroit flew back from the massive recoil but using his flightpack, proceeded to dodge the bullets. As he flew, one of the bullets didn't hit RoboCop... 
But as Murphy looked down, he saw that a fresh stream of bullets had completely torn the Assault Cannon apart. Completely useless. Damn. RoboCop thought as he threw the useless gun down. He pulled his Auto-9 Pistol back out... 
And barely dodged more bullets from Fulgore's head-turret. As he flew away, he looked at Fulgore for a second... 
And then pointed his gun at him. Two shots were fired. They both clogged up Fulgore's head turret! Quickly, UltraTech's warrior put its head back on. It began rapid-firing plasma shots. They all missed. Annoyed, the Fulgore unit raised its arms and teleported away... 
And right onto RoboCop's back. It began slashing as Murphy gritted his teeth in pain. The Flightpack - now completely destroyed - caused both RoboCop and Fulgore to begin falling down. They slammed down into the streets of Detroit. 
Both struggled to get up but both did in the end. Fulgore vanished again, re-appearing behind Murphy. It locked the officer in a combo where he roundhouse kicked Murphy three times in the face, rammed its plasma claws into him and uppercutted him. But that wasn't the end. As RoboCop fell, Fulgore blasted a single plasma blast, hitting Murphy. The second Robo-Jesus hit the ground, Fulgore's chest opened. He charged... and then he was full-powered. 

An aura of orange energy surrounded Fulgore as its power levels rose. Immensely
Before RoboCop could even react, UltraTech's metal menace already rushed towards Murphy and span his plasma claw as it hit RoboCop. Right in the chest. It lifted its foot, slamming it into Murphy's chest. He spun around three times, its plasma claws slamming into Murphy with each spin. An uppercut sended RoboCop flying and when he came down... 
Fulgore blasted the ground, creating a massive explosion that sent RoboCop flying forward into a pile of rubble... 
Who still managed to get up. But it didn't matter. It was already over. As RoboCop looked up, he pointed his Auto-9 Machine Pistol.
One bullet left.
Just one. 
Fulgore's chest bursted open... and a red sphere began forming. RoboCop pointed his pistol... and fired. 
It hit Fulgore. In the leg. UltraTech's warrior tilted back from the shot... 
And fired the Devastation Beam... upward from the hit. The beam stopped firing... and Fulgore stopped for a second, realizing its Devastation Beam was gone. And he looked forward, seeing RoboCop... 
Murphy smirked. 

His leg opened and he pulled out a circle-shaped object. An Ordnance Grenade. Quickly, he tossed it at Fulgore's chest. It landed right on its chest and amplified it up to level ten! He shot Fulgore's legs, causing it to stumble to its knees. With a quick twirl of his gun, RoboCop fired one last blast into the grenade... 
And a building-dwarfing blast sprouted from it. RoboCop covered his eyes from the sheer force of the blast. As soon as his vision came back, he looked forward. The explosion vanished... and bits of Fulgore was raining down from the sky. 
RoboCop twirled his gun two times and then placed it back in his leg. 
Justice had been served. 

Damn! The good guy wins! Sweet! 
It was a close fight. Fulgore's ground-speed and close-quarter combat skills dominated RoboCop. 
However, in terms of durability and destructive capability, RoboCop took it. An Ordnance 3 Grenade can blow up a metal security door... just 3. 10? That would be beyond overkill. In terms of durability, RoboCop dominated. He can tank a building-busting bomb, falling from the top of a building and onto a gas tank... yeah, a lot of crazy stuff. 
Also, yes, Fulgore is faster... but RoboCop can react to bullets so easily that he can catch them. He could deal with Fulgore's speed. That and thanks to his Flightpack, he was faster and more maneuverable. 

In terms of long-ranged combat, he was superior thanks to his targetting system. Also, might I note that RoboCop - thanks to his human brain combined with his programming - is much smarter than Fulgore? Yeah, he is!
In the end, RoboCop took a RoboCrap on Fulgore! 
The winner is RoboCop. 

+Much more durable 
+Better at long-ranged combat 
+Superior destructive capability 
+Thanks to his flightpack, he was faster and more maneuverable 
+Ordnance 10 Grenade was overkill 
+Much smarter
+Quicker on the ground 
+Far better at close-ranged combat 
+Devastation Beam is... devastating 
-Lacks RoboCop's levels of destructive capability 
-Far less durable 
-Not as smart
This is probably my best fight yet! I had a lot of fun writing it! Hope you enjoyed it! 
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Gogeta1089's avatar
Hey I made this battle :) Check it out.…